Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Gign Military

Gign Military - Spain's Unidad de Operaciones Especiales, or Naval Special Forces, has changed its name since 2009. They have long been one of the most prestigious special forces in Europe, unknown to many. Naval Special Forces was originally formed in 1952 as a volunteer unit of the Amphibious Climbing Company.

Since then, they have followed the example of the British SAS to become an elite fighting force, ready to handle any assigned task. More hours passed and with no press arriving and fuel still not delivered, Yahya ordered the plane to be moved near the control tower.

Gign Military

French Gign 2022 | Source:

Soon the hatch opened, and before it closed again, a gun went off. In its fourth decade, the French GIGN has established itself as one of the world's leading anti-terrorist units. Throughout its history, GIGN has been involved in more operations than any other unit and has had considerable success in rescuing hostages.

Special Operations Unit

Other units around the world value the GIGN's experience and train with the French whenever possible. The French word "élan" means performance with style. GIGN combines total professionalism and rigorous training with elan to create a truly elite unit.

Continue reading Of all the US military special operations assets, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, or soon 1st SFOD-D, popularly known as Delta Force, is undoubtedly covered by the strictest trust, especially when it comes to direct action and urban warfare

. . War. I agree that SAS/SBS ​​are one of the absolute best options for doing this, but that doesn't mean they are #1. Yes, almost everything is based on their education. But if it is "based" on SAS/SBS ​​exercises, it means that others have found holes or weaknesses in these special forces exercises and modified some exercises to make them better or add other elements to better prepare for the original exercises

. For example, what if we all modern armies fought the same way before the Romans were #1 in their day. Times change, exercises change. The UK equivalent of US Navy SEALS is SBS, which stands for Special Boat Service.

Delta Force St Sfod-D

Their main job is water, but they are not limited. The rigorous selection process includes a grueling endurance test, jungle training in the rainforests of Belize, and combat survival training that involves intense questioning of candidates.

File:fox Battery Gign Non-Lethal Training Pic 2.Jpg - Wikimedia CommonsSource:

And you only get two attempts to pass. Sound loud? If you've reached this article, you're probably looking for a challenge beyond your regular workouts. Yes, you love working up a sweat and happily doing reps to burn fat and build muscle, but what if you were tasked with following the toughest military training in the world?

But while the MR73 revolver is a solid, practical choice, it's more than just a status symbol. Commissioner Robert Broussard also saw what the revolver meant for American law enforcement. It was the police weapon of choice for taking down both Wild West outlaws and Prohibition-era gangsters.

Such a weapon has its place among its police. No one wants to be a "soft target"; The USMC Fitness Test helps separate the wheat from the chaff, combining body weight brackets and lunges, which means there's no need to see how you compare to one of the states longest serving military units.

Special Boat Service Sbs

How it works: You must first join the gendarmerie to become part of the unit. If you are not French, you must obtain citizenship to participate. In practice, naturalization lasts about 7 years (you can apply after 5 years of full residence in France; in some cases this is reduced to 2 or 3).

As the terrorists dropped their demands, French officials remained in the dark about their real intentions. Why did they still want to fly to Paris? Make other demands? Perhaps they believed that the French would compromise if threatened.

They are the elite placed in situations that demand the best soldiers in the world. And they need to know that their equipment can handle anything. When the best of the best suits come out, it's the knives they bring with them.

GIGN operators also receive significant scuba diving training. Some GIGN operators specialize in marine operations and receive intensive scuba and boat training, but all have basic scuba qualifications. A few years ago, GIGN placed floats on the bed of the Seine while large barges passed just feet overhead to teach the operators how to stay calm underwater.

Gign And Antenne Gign, May 2021.Source:

Us Marine Corps Fitness Test

They also learned to shoot and destroy targets on a ship or dock as soon as they broke water. Special operations force operators to identify potential threats, destroy strategic targets and carry out daring rescue missions, often in the world's most dangerous and hostile environments.

It is the best of the best that you will find anywhere in the world. Inspired by a top secret US fighter jet? Let's see if you can make the cut. The US Navy SEAL Fitness Test is a benchmark of strength, fitness and mental toughness before the infamous "Hell Week" in SEAL training.

The minimum score to "pass" this test is 50 clicks within a time limit of two minutes. 75 repetitions and above are considered excellent results. In a world where the sheer size of a country's military forces is no longer a guide to their effectiveness, these belligerent states are trying to get the job done.

One way or another. They found two employees of the French embassy, ​​a secretary and a cook, and searched for another victim who pleaded for his life through a microphone. Then they executed him and threw his body on the asphalt.

Training And Selection

Not long after, with much of the fighting still between the two governments, Flight 8969 crashed off the runway 39 hours after the incident began. Spetsnaz (Russia) A knife that moves its blade in the air like a bullet?

Not surprisingly, some countries have banned the use of ballistic knives for non-military purposes. However, for soldiers, this weapon can fight in a knife fight without the limit of many knives. These were first developed for the Spetsnaz, the Russian special forces, who needed a weapon that could destroy the enemy quickly and silently in order to concentrate on their reconnaissance missions.

Terrible. Civilian equivalent: Not really legal, my friend The French Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN) is one of the oldest and best anti-terrorist units in the world. Activated in response to the 1974 Munich Olympic massacre and a bloody prison siege in France, GIGN earned a reputation among the world's anti-terrorist elite.

Gign: Groupe D'intervention De La Gendarmerie Nationale, French Special  Forces | Military Special Forces, Military Soldiers, Special ForcesSource:

The Gendarmerie Nationale of France is a paramilitary police force with a variety of duties, including the provision of counter-terrorism missions, including the Deputies (military police), the guarding of nuclear facilities and other special tasks. Unlike most counter-terrorist military units, GIGN members have arrest powers.

The Us Navy Seal Fitness Tests

As a result, they can be deployed with military special operations units on missions such as hostage rescue and hostage taking to apprehend pirates. Of course, because GIGN operators are fully trained, they can also assist in rescue operations.

As you may have guessed before, first place goes to the US Navy. They may even join the Marine Corps. To participate, you must do at least 42 push-ups in two minutes, 50 sit-ups in two minutes, and run 1.5 miles in 11 minutes.

And that's before training begins. After a while, they are sent to BUD/s, where the candidates who want to be are sent to one of the most demanding military training in the world. Literally translated from Hebrew, "gibbush" means "formation" (of something), not just (a) place.

This is usually the first stage of selection for any particular unit and often takes place before you are drafted. When you join a regular infantry brigade, you have a two-week period called "pre-camp" before being assigned to a battalion.

Us Navy Seals

During this period, if you wish, you can participate in a "gibbus" for a few days to get a place in one of the specialized units in the brigade. More recently, in 2008, GIGN members helped Commando Marines free French hostages from Somali pirates.

The GIGN was deployed on many other missions inside and outside of France, some of which remain classified to this day. The request for 27 tons of fuel indicated that the informant was correct in using the plane as a bomb, as only 9-10 tons of fuel were needed for the flight to Paris.

Gendarmerie | Source:

However, they are not allowed to leave Marseille, even though they know that the plane contains explosives. SAS and SBS are the best special forces in the world because almost all special forces are based on SAS and SBS so they have to be the best and 1st so whoever wrote it doesn't know SHIT.

Despite the police's business, however, something seemed strange. They were armed. AK47 slung over his shoulder. In particular, because the Algerian police often operate without firearms and suspicions began to grow among those on board the plane, the Algerian military authorities took no chances during the civil war and surrounded the plane with special forces.

Special Air Service Sas

GIGN (France) GIGN is not just about gadgets like the Glauca B1. They also worked with the Wildsteer Intervention Group on the WING-Tactic, an 11-inch knife that gets the job done when something simple is needed.

If you're an elite soldier, your gear should be useful when you need it, and barely noticeable when you don't. This knife meets these requirements. Civilian equivalent: $326.58 In particular, Russian special forces and the Alpha team have come under fire several times in the last decade.

First, during the hostage crisis at the Moscow Theater in 2002, 129 people lost their lives trying to save the hostages. The hostages were killed by an unknown gas that was used to destroy the eyes of the terrorists who seized the theater building.

Another criticism comes after the Beslan school hostage crisis because there were a lot of hostages, but that doesn't mean they did anything wrong. More intelligence training covers terrorist psychological profiling and interrogation techniques, as well as investigative techniques.

The Us Army Combat Fitness Test

All members of the unit learn basic negotiation skills, although there are skilled negotiators. Operators also learn foreign languages ​​and cultures to enable them to work where needed, especially in former French colonies. Of all the counter-terrorist units in the world, dealing only with law enforcement duties, few can compete with France's top special forces team.

Operator Of The Gign (France) Shortly After The Assault On  Dammartin-En-Goële In January 2015, During Which The Two Terrorist Brothers  Kouachi Were Killed. The Photo Was Taken By A Military Photographer (2) [Source:

The National Gendarmerie Intervention Group (GIGN) is the official representative of the group, which belongs to the law enforcement agencies. The GIGN consists of approximately 200 people and is specially trained to respond to hostage situations and blocked suspects.

They claim to have freed more than 600 people since their establishment in 1973, with more than 40 hostages. As their training, equipment or members are protected by French law, publication of their images and identities is prohibited.

The Special Air Service, known worldwide as the SAS, is the infantry counterpart of the Special Boat Service (SBS). Their motto is often found on signs, meaning the famous expression "He who dares wins". Asked about the importance of the role of the SAS in the post-war battles in Iraq, US General Stanley McChrystal replied: "Important. It would not have been possible without them."

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Once selected, new operators undergo two months of general training, followed by six months of specialized training to join one of GIGN's units. After the operator joins his unit, he completes the probationary period and becomes a full member of GIGN.

In 1979, GIGN members helped the Saudis recapture the Grand Mosque in Mecca, which had been seized by terrorists. In 1994, GIGN operators attacked an Air France plane in Marseille, saving 229 passengers and preventing the plane from being used as a bomb to fly against Paris.

On the plane, the terrorists violated their trust, separated men and women and ordered the women, including the flight attendant, to wear headscarves. In addition, the negotiators were able to convince them to release 63 passengers by Christmas, mostly women, children and some with medical conditions.

Almost all those freed were Algerians, about 170, mostly French, on board. From the British Special Air Service (SAS) to the US Navy and Israel's Sayeret Matkal - their training methods are designed to push you physically and mentally to the breaking point.

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There is a reason these guys are elite. As darkness fell, Algerian soldiers used their night vision to identify the master kidnapper, Yahya, and brought the mother to the airport to plead with her son. He was enraged by this and soon threatened to kill a passenger every 30 minutes if the hijackers did not allow him to leave.